Special Plan for the Protection and Interior Reform of the Historic Site of El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)
Municipal Plan of Housing and Land of La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz)
Faculty of Health Sciences of Granada
Great Square of The Sea Of Cadiz
International Competition for the General Development Plan of The Olympic Park Rio 2016. Brasil. Finalists
Spatial Development Plan for the Metropolitan Area of Morelia. State of Michoacán de Ocampos. Mexico
Masterplan for the Maritime Front of Sant Adria (Barcelona)
Design of Guidelines of the Urban Landscape Ordinance of Seville
Land-Use Plan of The City of the Coast. Costaplan. (Uruguay)
Urban Planning Study of The City of Bata and its Ensanche (Equatorial Guinea)
Study Concerning an Eco-City in Dakhla. Morocco
“Ciudad de Levante” Urban Development Plan. Cordoba
Campus of International Excellence Of The Agro-Food Industry Cei A3. Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva y Jaén.
Competition for The Drafting Of The Partial Plan For The Development of the Business Park La Loma, Úbeda-Baeza (Jaén)
Competition for the Drafting of the Urban Development Plan-Area Of Distribution 1. Maracena (Granada)
International Competition of Ideas and Projects for The Recovery And Management of the margins of The Rivers Tajo and Alberche in The Municipal Term of Talavera de la Reina. Finalist
Northwest Coast Agrifood Industrial Estate
Hospital Sector Urban Development Plan. Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
General Urban Development Plan of Martin de la Jara (Sevilla)
General Urban Development Plan of Lora de Estepa (Sevilla)
Los Villares Urban Development Plan. Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
Project of Action for the Installation of the Center of Breeding And Selection of Birds of the Race “Gallo Combatiente Español”. Sanlucar de Barrameda (Cádiz)
Innovation/Modification of the General Urban City Plan of Dos Hermanas. Entrenúcleos Sector (Sevilla)
Barracks in “Su Eminencia”. Sevilla
Studies Related to the Promotion Of Eco-Neighbourhoods. The case of “Marchane” Eco-Neighbourhood in Tangier. Morocco
Studies Related to the Promotion of Eco-Neighbourhoods. The Case of ” Gueliz Est” Eco-Neighbourhood in Marrakesh. Morocco
Special Plan on Undeveloped Land for The Implementation of a Rural Complex. Finca La Mota. Puerto Serrano (Cádiz)
Study-Proposal for Territorial Activation. Los Portichuelos. La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz)
Urban Development Partial Plan Technological Park of Los Barrios (Cadiz)
Special Plan For The Protection and Reform of the Historic Site of Conil (Cádiz)
Special Plan for The Protection and Reform of The Historic Site of San Fernando (Cádiz)
General Urban Development Plan Of Los Barrios (Cádiz)
Plan Général d’urbanisme de San Martin de la Vega (Madrid)
General Urban Development Plan of Casares (Málaga)
Urban Plan of the District of Malabo (Equatorial Guinea)
San Fernando Urban City Plan (Cádiz)
Study Concerning an Eco-City in Benslimane. Morocco
“Havana must smell to sea” Proposal for the First Hispanic-Cuban Congress of Architecture and Urbanism.
Campus of Business Activities of Aljarafe Sur Services. Almensilla (Sevilla)
General Urban Development Plan of Montoro (Córdoba)
Fairs and Exhibitions Center in the City Of Córdoba
General Urban Development Plan of Puente Genil (Córdoba)
Winning Proposal of the International Ciudad de Levante Masterplan Ideas Contest. Cordoba
General Urban Development Plan of Montilla (Córdoba)
Feasibility Study Finca Los Bates, Motril (Granada)
Urban Agglomeration of Córdoba Regional Plan
La Serena Regional Plan (Badajoz)
Costa Del Sol Regional Plan (Málaga)
Sánchez Blanca Masterplan (Málaga)
Project Autonomic Interest Ceus. National Institute of Aerospace Technology. Moguer (Huelva)
Integral Improvement Plan for the Ribera del Miguelete. Integration Program of Irregular Settlements (Inter-American Development Bank-Oriental Republic Of Uruguay). Montevideo (Uruguay)
Porposal For The Urban Integration Of The New Tourist Development In Mazagón (Huelva)
New Model of Urban Planning for Nouakchott (Mauritania)
International Public Competition of Ideas For The Planning And Construction of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Granada
Competition of Ideas for the Management of The Sector of Urbanizable Land S1 “Los Carrilles”. Alcobendas (Madrid). Finalists
Partial Management Plan and Strategic Environmental Assessment “La Florida”. El Puerto De Santa María (Cádiz)
Cordoba Science and Technology Park
{RE} PROGRAM. (RE) ROOM + (RE) GENERATION + (RE) PROGRAMMING. Sevilla. Jerez de la Frontera
Partial Urban Development and Strategic Environmental Study of Guadalquitón. San Roque (Cádiz)
Proposal for the Development of The Roosvelt Park. Canelones. Uruguay
Bank of The Republic Of Uruguay
General Urban Development Plan for Morón de la Frontera
General Urban Development Plan for El Puerto de Santa María
Spatial Development Plan for Pereira (Colombia)
General Municipal Plan of Almendralejo (Badajoz)
General Structural Plan and Detailed Ordination Plan of Benicarló (Castellón)
General Urban Development Plan of Peñíscola (Castellón)
General Urban Development Plan for Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz)
University and Technological Campus of Guadalajara (Accésit)
Special Protection Plan, Interior Reform and Catalogue of the Priego de Córdoba Historical Centre (Córdoba)
Special Plan for the Protection and Improvement of the Historic Site of Rota (Cádiz)
General Urban Development Plan of Chiclana
New Cadiz Gates
Territorial Activation of Tabernas (Almería)
Algeciras Urban Plan (Cádiz)
Special Land-use Regulation Plan for the Action of Autonomous Interest Center of Transport and Goods of Los Barrios Sector 3 “El Cañuelo” of the Functional Plan of the Logistics Activities Area of Gibraltar Countryside
Uruguay Urban Planning
Land use planning and Sustainable Development regional strategies of the Montevideo metropolitan area (Uruguay)
Preparation of a study for the identification and layout of equestrian routes in the Northwest Coast (Cádiz)
Innovation with Detailed Management of the Urban General Plan of San Roque in the Finca de los Puertos. Gibraltar Countryside
General Urban Planning of Jimena de la Frontera (Cádiz)
Urban General Planning of Barbate (Cádiz)
Methodological guide for the realisation of the Departmental Ordinance of Uruguay territorial planning
Land use planning and Sustainable Development regional strategies of Eastern Uruguay